Have fun!
Before you continue, we have a surprise for you: Did you know that we offer a free Online Obeya Introduction session every month? Discover how Obeya can help you and your team, and sign up.
The book
This book covers both leadership and the setup and use of the Obeya room. Supported by visual examples, it explains in practical terms what you can expect to see in an Obeya for leading (your part of) the organization, how to get started, and what to watch out for when using it. Order it on leadingwithobeya.com!
Introduction e-Learning
Not in the mood to read or sign up for the introduction session or workshop? No problem. You can also take our Obeya introduction e-Learning. At your own pace, whenever it suits you. In this Obeya introduction e-Learning, you’ll learn what Obeya is and how to use it to lead teams and organizations.
- 40 minutes of course material
- The basics of leadership: about leadership and challenges
- Obeya as a tool: origin and meaning
- The Leading with Obeya method: tackling leadership challenges
Check out
Our training programs
Prefer to get started right away and improve your Obeya skills or coach other leaders in it? During our training sessions, you’ll learn alongside participants from other organizations how to practically apply Obeya. With different training levels and a team of certified trainers, Obeya Coaching & Training provides you with the right knowledge and skills to increase the effectiveness of leadership teams. Begin your journey with our Foundation training or opt for the online version, the Foundation e-training.

The LWO Network
Become a free member of the LWO network and enhance your knowledge and skills with Leading With Obeya.
- Access to the latest LWO templates and materials
- Participate in events with interesting speakers
- Connect with other LWO practitioners
- View a demo Obeya or digital examples
- Free sparring with a trainer every month